
Build beautiful tables with React Table

Build beautiful tables with React Table

Tables are an efficient way to organize data on a website in rows and columns. They display data in a structured format that users can easily read. Organizing a large data set on a table calls for extra functionalities of the table. These functionalities may include sorting, filtering, pagination, etc.

React Table is a headless utility used to build robust tables and datagrid experiences for React applications. This library provides extendable, lightweight hooks that you can leverage to render your table markup.

In this article, you will learn how to use react-table to build a table with sorting, filtering, and pagination features.

Building a React Table Component

In this section, we will build a table component while leveraging hooks from react-table. First, we’ll create the project and install all dependencies. Apart from React-Table, we’ll also use Axios and Date-Fns, but that’s just for our example.

npx create-react-app react-table-project
cd react-table-project
npm install react-table axios date-fns --save
npm start

Update index.css file:

.container {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  margin: 3rem 0;
  flex-direction: column;

table {
  border-spacing: 0;
  border: 1px solid black;

tr:last-child > td {
  border-bottom: 0;

td {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0.5rem;
  border-bottom: 1px solid black;
  border-right: 1px solid black;
th:last-child ,
td:last-child {
  border-right: 0;

Render a Basic Table

Mock data will be fetched from this endpoint

We have to create a new file, column.js, within your src folder to define the columns for our table.

import { format } from "date-fns";

export const COLUMNS = [
    Header: "id",
    accessor: "id",
    Header: "First Name",
    accessor: "first_name",
    Header: "Last Name",
    accessor: "last_name",
    Header: "Email",
    accessor: "email",
    Header: "DOB",
    accessor: "date_of_birth",
    Cell: ({ value }) => {
      return format(new Date(value), "dd/MM/yyyy");
    Header: "Age",
    accessor: "age",

To build the table component, create a new folder, components, and add a new file, Table.jsx. Add the code below into components/Table.jsx:

import { useMemo } from "react";
import { COLUMNS } from "../column";
import { useTable } from "react-table";

const Table = ({ mockData }) => {
  const columns = useMemo(() => COLUMNS, []); // memoize before adding to useTable hook
  const data = useMemo(() => [...mockData], [mockData]);

  const { getTableProps, getTableBodyProps, headerGroups, rows, prepareRow } = useTable({
    columns, // useTable hook takes in memoized columns and data to be displayed

  return (
      {/* apply the table props */}
      <table {...getTableProps()}>
            // Loop over the header rows
   => (
              // Apply the header row props
              <tr {...headerGroup.getHeaderGroupProps()}>
                  // Loop over the headers in each row
         => (
                    // Apply the header cell props
                    <th {...column.getHeaderProps()}>{column.render("Header")}</th>
        {/* Apply the table body props */}
        <tbody {...getTableBodyProps()}>
            // Loop over the table rows
  , i) => {
              // Prepare the row for display
              return (
                <tr {...row.getRowProps()}>
                    // Loop over the rows cells
           => {
                      // Apply the cell props
                      return <td {...cell.getCellProps()}>{cell.render("Cell")}</td>;

export default Table;

Memoization of columns and data ensures that they are not recreated on every render. This optimizes and improves the component’s performance.

The useTable hook, in turn, returns a table instance, which is an object that contains everything you need to build a table.

{ getTableProps, getTableBodyProps, headerGroups, rows, prepareRow } are all destructured from the table instance.

The table UI is built using regular HTML elements: <table/>, <thead/>, <tr/>, <th/>, <tbody/> and <td/>. The only difference is that properties destructured from the table instance are added to the table elements to display the data properly:

  1. getTableProps is destructured in the <table/> element.
  2. headerGroups is an array that contains the column heading information; within the <thead/>, headerGroups is looped over to return the JSX for each header group.
  3. getTableBodyProps is destructured in the <tbody/> element.
  4. rows is looped over to return a list of rows; before returning each row, prepareRow is called, and the row is added as an argument.

Now, update App.js with the code below:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Table from "./components/Table";
import axios from "axios";

function App() {
  const [data, setData] = useState([]);

  const fetchData = async () => {
    const { data } = await axios("").catch((err) => console.log(err));

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className="container">
      <Table mockData={data} />

export default App;

Navigate to localhost to view the basic table UI.

1 Basic Table

Now we’ll see how to add more features to the table, making it more usable and interesting.

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Adding Sorting Feature

The useSortBy hook implements the sorting feature on the table.

Import it:

import { useTable, useSortBy } from "react-table";

Add as parameter:

const { getTableProps, getTableBodyProps, headerGroups, rows, prepareRow } = useTable(
  useSortBy // this adds sorting feature to the table instance

Update the <th/> tag in with the code below:

<th {...column.getHeaderProps(column.getSortByToggleProps())}>
    <span>{column.isSorted ? (column.isSortedDesc ? " 🔽" : " 🔼") : ""}</span>

column.getSortByToggleProps() adds sorting properties to each column.

2 Sort table

Adding Filtering Feature

Two forms of filtering can be added to the table component; Global filtering and Column filtering.

Global Filtering

This filter applies to all columns of the table globally.

Create a new file GlobalFilter.jsx within components folder.

Create the GlobalFilter component:

import { useState } from "react";
import { useAsyncDebounce } from "react-table";

export const GlobalFilter = ({ globalFilter, setGlobalFilter }) => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(globalFilter);
  const onChange = useAsyncDebounce((value) => {
    setGlobalFilter(value || undefined);
  }, 200);

  return (
      Search:{" "}
        value={value || ""}
        onChange={(e) => {
        placeholder={`Search records...`}
          fontSize: "1.1rem",
          margin: "1rem 0",


  • globalFilter: Is the value of the search input.
  • setGlobalFilter: Is a function that sets the globalFilter.

These two props will be destructured from the table instance returned from useTable.

Import <GlobalFilter/> and useGlobalFilter.

import { useTable, useSortBy, useGlobalFilter } from "react-table";
import { GlobalFilter } from "./GlobalFilter";

Destructure useful properties and add hook:

/*destructure globalFilter and setGlobalFilter */
      state: { globalFilter },
    } = useTable(
      useGlobalFilter, // add new param

Add <GlobalFilter/> above the <table/> tag and add globalFilter and setGlobalFilter as props.

  <GlobalFilter globalFilter={globalFilter} setGlobalFilter={setGlobalFilter} />
  <table {...getTableProps()}>

3 Global Filter

Column Filtering

This filter applies to only the column the filter is added to.

Create a new file ColumnFilter.jsx within components folder.

Create the ColumnFilter component:

export const ColumnFilter = ({ column }) => {
  const { filterValue, setFilter } = column;
  return (
      Search:{" "}
        value={filterValue || ""}
        onChange={(e) => {
        placeholder={`Search records...`}
          fontSize: "1.1rem",
          margin: "1rem 0",

Import ColumnFilter and useFilters.

import { useTable, useSortBy, useGlobalFilter, useFilters } from "react-table";
import { ColumnFilter } from "./ColumnFilter";

Create a default column component:

const data = useMemo(() => [...mockData], [mockData]);

  // default column component
const defaultColumn = useMemo(() => {
  return {
    Filter: ColumnFilter,
}, []);

Add defaultColumn and add hook:

    /* */
    state: { globalFilter },
  } = useTable(
      defaultColumn, // add defaultColumn

    useFilters, // add useFilters above useGlobalFilter

Add a new <div> below the <span> element in <th>:

<span>{column.isSorted ? (column.isSortedDesc ? " 🔽" : " 🔼") : ""}</span>
<div>{column.canFilter ? column.render("Filter") : null}</div> {/*Add column filter component in each column header  */}

Navigate to src/column.js and add disableFilters: true to columns where you don’t want the filter component to be applied. Example: id, DOB and Age.

  Header: "id",
  accessor: "id",
  disableFilters: true, // add to `DOB` and `Age`

4 ColumnFilter

Adding Pagination Feature

Import usePagination hook:

import { useTable, useSortBy, useGlobalFilter, useFilters, usePagination } from "react-table";

Destructure useful properties and add usePagination to useTable:

    state: { pageIndex, pageSize, globalFilter },
  } = useTable(


Update <tbody/>:

<tbody {...getTableBodyProps()}>
        // Loop over page instead of rows, i) => {
        // Prepare the row for display

Add the pagination JSX underneath the <table/> JSX.

  <div className="pagination" style={{ marginTop: "1rem" }}>
    <button onClick={() => gotoPage(0)} disabled={!canPreviousPage}>
    </button>{" "}
    <button onClick={() => previousPage()} disabled={!canPreviousPage}>
    </button>{" "}
    <button onClick={() => nextPage()} disabled={!canNextPage}>
    </button>{" "}
    <button onClick={() => gotoPage(pageCount - 1)} disabled={!canNextPage}>
    </button>{" "}
      Page{" "}
        {pageIndex + 1} of {pageOptions.length}
      </strong>{" "}
      | Go to page:{""}
        defaultValue={pageIndex + 1}
        onChange={(e) => {
          const page = ? Number( - 1 : 0;
        style={{ width: "100px" }}
    </span>{" "}
      onChange={(e) => {
      {[10, 20, 30, 40, 50].map((pageSize) => (
        <option key={pageSize} value={pageSize}>
          Show {pageSize}

5 Final Table


React Table utility offers a simple design that is fully customizable for different use cases. We have learned how to utilize various hooks to add: sorting, filtering, and pagination. React Table makes creating your table UI much easier.

Visit project Github Link and Live Link.

A TIP FROM THE EDITOR: For another way of creating tables for React apps, don’t miss our Build beautiful UI components with NextUI article.